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How Do I Know If This Guy I Met Online Likes Me?



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  • How Do I Know If This Guy I Met Online Likes Me?

    I met a guy in online dating site one month from now. We talked daily and we meet once a week. I couldn't tell if he likes me. During our dates we always just talk and there are no sweet things happening. But our last date, he messaged me with kind of a joke that "we had fun last night but why didn't I kiss him" so asked him because I am not sure with his message. And he replied "it was a joke but he added that he wasn't sure if I like him that's why he never kisses me". I am very confused with him. I can't really tell if he likes me or not or maybe I am in friendzone. On my part, I like him but I am waiting that he will say that he likes me too. I really want to work this relation with him. What should I do so that we will move in this situation of shyness? should I do first the move? or Should I wait him to do the move?

  • #2
    He doesn't try to kiss you because feminism has castrated men. Men don't make the first move anymore because they are terrified of the legal ramifications. Women will cry "Rape!" or "Creep!" and may even form a mob with their girlfriends and ruin his reputation in the community. That's why they act like little pussies during dates now.


    • #3
      You know what type of guys I'm talking about: they don't talk too much, they smile, they look at you, but when you look back they withdraw instantly... They rarely take initiative, they rarely come up and speak to you. But that does not mean that he doesn't like you... Read on if you want to decipher these kind of guys.

      You have to understand a huge problem which shy guys face:letting you know. Shy guys for some reason, DO NOT want you to know that they are interested in you. They are afraid of risk, and the only thing which would make them open up is realizing that YOU like them. But sometimes shy guys don't even recognize the right signals on time... But here's how to know if a shy guy likes you, remember, they are different.

      Stares at you, but breaks eye contact - This is almost like a rule of thumb for shy guys, they do this all the time. They look at you, they STARE at you, but the moment you look back, they instantly drop the eye contact. They just aren't comfortable with holding eye contact. You can also test this during conversation with them, look them straight in the eyes when they are talking - if they tense up, look at another direction while speaking to you, I think we got him.

      Physical contact - Well let's start off by saying that they don't initiate physical contact that much as well. But the key thing here is - once you touch them, they react like an electric shock struck
      them. They perk up for a moment, it looks kinda cute for girls I guess. If you catch this one, be sure that he is into you.

      Nervousness, Blushing - If you know this guy as a moderately social guy who talks and interacts with people but when he talks to YOU, he kind of looses his cool, starts running out of words and locks up? His cheeks turn a bit red (not necessarily) You guessed it, it's because of you.

      Getting your phone number - If this guy got your phone number, but he didn't get it from you but from your friends, it's pretty obvious to me. He didn't have the courage to ask you, but he still got the number from someone else

      So what now? You got some signs but what's your next move? You can either try to communicate to the guy that you like him, maybe give him a compliment or two. But if you are really stuck with this guy - ask him out! Why not, if he won't do it YOU should. You can invite him directly by saying: "Hey, let's hang out some day!" or indirectly: "Hey I'm dying to go see this bar/cafe/sport event/anything, but my friend doesn't want to go..." Now if he doesn't take the bait here and say "Cool, let's go there someday", you can just add "Would you like to check it out with me?"

      It's not that hard.

