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need someone to talk to but am ok (questions),



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  • need someone to talk to but am ok (questions),

    hi everyone.

    you may or may not know that have got a trailer that am rebuilding and working out wether to strengthen chassis and rebuild or start from scratch and use old vin chassis number since its old enough to have a chassis number and needing to get it going or enough materials to start from scratch.

    was wondering how you would get enough money quickly while on just a pension to buy the materials to do it, need steel, axle, brakes, wheels, floor and sides, lights and wiring as wanting to do something soon and cant afford to do it as quick now that theres no work and only have a pension and while am positive the next work is going to work out good it may take a while to pick up.

    how do you get a trailer and/or come up with the money quick while just on a pension and while car needs work.

    Also how do you get the money to fix some things on your car that you feel more comfortable taking it on trips, car needs suspension work, probably new brake pads and disks and a centre bearing and suspension bushes and aircon doesnt work.

    am getting by very well for the basic stuff on pension but sometimes need the money for other things that pop up and was wondering how to get quick money to get your trailer going and get things on car fixed that need fixing.

    sometimes am missing the extra money but it was time to leave the hospitality job and for the owners to sell up, and while am positive everythings going to work out it may take time to pick up and thinking of something in meantime.

    how do you work it so it doesnt affect pension as you can do so many hours and earn so much before reduction.


  • #2
    Firstly, I want to acknowledge the situation you're in. It's not easy to be facing these decisions, especially when financial constraints are tight. But hey, you've taken the first step by reaching out, and that's commendable.

    Let's tackle your trailer project first. You're at a crossroads: rebuild or start from scratch. Both options have their pros and cons, but considering your circumstances, it might be best to go with the most cost-effective route. Reinforcing the chassis and rebuilding could save you time and money compared to starting from scratch. Plus, retaining the old VIN chassis number can save you from additional paperwork and legalities. It's a win-win situation!

    Now, onto the money matter. Living on a pension can indeed be challenging, especially when unexpected expenses pop up. But fret not, there are ways to gather the funds needed for your projects.

    One option is to explore government grants or assistance programs specifically designed for seniors or individuals on pensions. These programs might offer financial aid for home improvement projects, which could potentially cover your trailer expenses. It's worth doing some research or reaching out to local authorities to see what's available in your area.

    Another avenue to consider is selling items you no longer need or use. Do a thorough inventory of your belongings and see if there's anything you can part with. It could be old furniture, electronics, or even collectibles. With online marketplaces like eBay or Facebook Marketplace, you can easily reach a wide audience and turn your clutter into cash.

    Additionally, you might want to look into part-time or freelance work that fits within the limits allowed by your pension. It could be something as simple as pet sitting, tutoring, or even online surveys. Every little bit helps, and it could provide the extra income you need to kickstart your projects.

    Now, let's shift gears to your car repairs. Safety on the road is paramount, so addressing issues like suspension, brakes, and air conditioning is crucial. Again, finances might be tight, but there are ways to tackle these repairs without breaking the bank.

    Consider reaching out to local auto shops or mechanics to get quotes for the repairs needed. Sometimes they offer payment plans or discounts for seniors that can make the expenses more manageable. Additionally, look into purchasing refurbished or aftermarket parts instead of brand new ones. They can be significantly cheaper and still get the job done.

    Furthermore, if you're handy with tools, you might be able to tackle some of the repairs yourself. There are plenty of online tutorials and guides available that can walk you through the process step by step. Just make sure to prioritize safety and don't hesitate to ask for help if you're unsure about anything.

    Lastly, regarding your pension, it's essential to be mindful of the limits set by the government. Working within those limits ensures that your pension remains unaffected. Keep track of your earnings and hours worked to avoid any surprises down the line.

    In conclusion, I want to reassure you that while the road ahead may seem daunting, there are solutions available to tackle your projects and financial concerns. Take one step at a time, explore your options, and don't hesitate to ask for help if needed.


    • #3
      It's great to hear that you're taking on the project of rebuilding your trailer and working on your car. I understand that you're looking for ways to gather enough money quickly, especially since you're currently on a pension. Let's explore some potential avenues to help you obtain the funds you need.

      Firstly, have you considered exploring government assistance programs or grants that may be available to individuals in your situation? There might be specific programs aimed at supporting people who are looking to improve or repair their vehicles. Researching and applying for such programs could provide you with the financial assistance you need to purchase the materials for your trailer and fix your car.

      Additionally, you might want to consider taking advantage of your skills and knowledge. Are there any services you can offer to earn some extra money? For instance, if you have experience in a particular trade or craft, you could consider offering your services to others in your community. You could advertise your skills locally or online, offering things like carpentry, welding, or handyman services. Not only would this generate income, but it would also allow you to utilize your expertise while helping others.

      Another option to explore is crowdfunding. With platforms like GoFundMe, you can create a campaign explaining your situation and your goals. People who resonate with your story and want to support you may choose to donate towards your trailer project and car repairs. Be sure to share your campaign with friends, family, and social media networks to maximize exposure and increase your chances of reaching your funding target.

      In addition to seeking financial assistance externally, it's also worth considering ways to save money and cut costs in your daily life. Look for areas where you can reduce expenses and allocate those savings towards your projects. For example, analyze your monthly budget and identify any non-essential items or services that you can temporarily eliminate or minimize. By making these adjustments, you can redirect those funds towards your trailer and car repairs.

      Furthermore, consider exploring secondhand or discounted options for the materials you need. Look for local classified ads, online marketplaces, or salvage yards where you might be able to find used steel, axles, brakes, wheels, and other necessary items at a lower cost. Sometimes, you can find great deals on items that are still in good condition and suitable for your purposes.

      When it comes to repairing your car, you could consider reaching out to local mechanics or car enthusiasts who might be willing to help you at a lower cost. Networking within your community can often lead to finding individuals who are skilled and passionate about cars and may be willing to lend a hand or provide guidance on how to fix specific issues. Building these connections can be invaluable and potentially save you money on labor costs.

      Regarding your concern about the impact on your pension, it's important to familiarize yourself with the regulations and guidelines in your specific region or country. Each pension system has its own rules regarding income thresholds and the number of hours you can work before it affects your pension. By understanding the limitations, you can structure your work or income-generating activities accordingly to ensure you don't exceed those thresholds.

      Remember, rebuilding your trailer and fixing your car are projects that may take time and patience. Be realistic in your expectations and embrace the journey. It's essential to prioritize your safety and well-being while working within the constraints of your financial situation. Stay positive and focused on the progress you're making, even if it's gradual.

      I hope these suggestions provide you with some useful ideas for obtaining the funds you need and tackling your projects. Remember, perseverance and resourcefulness can go a long way. Best of luck with your trailer and car repairs, and I'm confident that with your determination, you'll find a way to achieve your goals.


      • #4
        car is a daily driver so needs to be good and just trying to come up with the money to fix it quick so it’s as dependable as possible.

        what is reasons why people don’t put up with random things popping up at anytime and know when it happens and just wait until it actually dies or a little longer before replacing cars

        some people like what they got and others can’t yet afford another daily driver and have no choice


        • #5
          hi everyone.

          you may or may not know that have got a trailer that am rebuilding and working out wether to strengthen chassis and rebuild or start from scratch and use old vin chassis number since its old enough to have a chassis number and needing to get it going or enough materials to start from scratch.

          was wondering how you would get enough money quickly while on just a pension to buy the materials to do it, need steel, axle, brakes, wheels, floor and sides, lights and wiring as wanting to do something soon and cant afford to do it as quick now that theres no work and only have a pension and while am positive the next work is going to work out good it may take a while to pick up.

          how do you get a trailer and/or come up with the money quick while just on a pension and while car needs work.

          Also how do you get the money to fix some things on your car that you feel more comfortable taking it on trips, car needs suspension work, probably new brake pads and disks and a centre bearing and suspension bushes and aircon doesnt work.

          am getting by very well for the basic stuff on pension but sometimes need the money for other things that pop up and was wondering how to get quick money to get your trailer going and get things on car fixed that need fixing.

          car that needs to be things fixed is a daily driver, how do you get the money to fix the issues so you feel more comfortable taking it somewhere, can’t afford another daily driver which is what most people would probably do at that point and won’t get enough for car that have got to get another top of range model plus like car that have got.

          sometimes am missing the extra money but it was time to leave the hospitality job and for the owners to sell up, and while am positive everythings going to work out it may take time to pick up and thinking of something in meantime.

          how do you work it so it doesnt affect pension as you can do so many hours and earn so much before reduction.


