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Funny How Details For Christians



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  • Funny How Details For Christians

    Funny how sex on the side is a big deal but not baptism in water or John 3:5 ?

    Funny how dope is a big deal but not Budweiser or Proverbs 20:1 ?

    Funny how love is a big deal but not the wrong friends in your life or 2 Cor. 6 ?

    Funny how mourning for people is a big deal but not eulogy honors with a heaven for people or Psalms 107:2 ?

    Funny how marriage is a big deal but not wearing jewelry or 1 Peter 3:3 ?

    Funny how optimistic thinking is a big deal but not exhortation enough or John 5:39 ?

    Funny how a hero at home is a big deal but not the outcast life or Matthew 10:34-37 ?

    Funny how common sense is a big deal but not knowledge enough or 1 Cor. 8:2 ?

    Funny how being teachable is a big deal but not AMATEURS teaching us or Ephesians 4:14 ?

    Funny how evangelism is a big deal but not TARGET MARKETING or Matthew 7:6 ?

    Funny how soul winning is a big deal but not prayers for unbelievers or John 17:9 ?

    Funny how wrong anger is a big deal but not anger in love or Ephesians 4:26 ?

    Funny how child neglect is a big deal but not raising a family on poverty income or 1 Timothy 5:8 ?

    Funny how dirty jokes is a big deal but not women pastors or 1 Timothy 2 ?

    Funny how swearing is a big deal but not long hair on men or 1 Cor. 11 ?

    Funny how forgiveness is a big deal but not limits with unbelievers or Titus 3:10 ?

    Funny how hypocrisy is a big deal but not a 90% bible believer or Matthew 5:17-20 ?

    Funny how grace is how we're saved but not HALF TAUGHT grace or Romans 6:1 ?

    Funny how being stuck up is a big deal but not many faiths in Jesus to have church or Ephesians 4:5 ?

    Funny how pornography is a big deal but not marriages to divorced people or Romans 7:2-3 ?

    Funny how submission to a ministry is a big deal but not the wrong leader or Matthew 15:14 ?

    Funny how respect of persons is a big deal but not favor to saints or Galations 6:10 ?

    Funny how sparing the rod with your child is a big deal but not bossy wives or Ephesians 5:22-23 ?

    Funny how sex traffic people is a big deal but not honoring a pagan holiday or John 4:24 ?

    Funny how pride is a big deal but not praying women uncovered or 1 Cor. 11 ?

    Funny how perjury is a big deal but not working on Saturday or Hebrews 4 ?

    Funny how control is a big deal but not democracy of church leaders with 10% of the bible or 1 Peter 1:20-21 ?

    Funny how jealousy is a big deal but not INFERIORITY or 1 John 2:27 ?

    Funny how arrogance is a big deal but not IGNORANCE or 2 Timothy 2:15 ?

    Funny how bullying is a big deal but not reality about conflict or James 3:2 ?

    Funny how cussing is a big deal but not mortgages on property to do business or 1 Timothy 6 ?

    Funny how idleness is a big deal but not asking a work boss for a raise or Luke 3:14 ?

    Funny how tongues is a big deal but not unruly tongues or 1 Cor. 14 ?

    Funny how a gender change is a big deal but not saluting a flag at events or John 4:24 ?

    Funny how polygamy today is a big deal but not advertising Jesus enough or Luke 14:23 ?

    Funny how boasting is a big deal but not exaggerating our level of faith all the time or Romans 12:3 ?

    Funny how abortion is a big deal but not gun rights like others or Romans 12:17 ?

    Funny how hearing God is a big deal but not doing so today without the bible or Romans 10:17 ?

    Funny how malice is a big deal but not grammar edit bibles or Revelation 22:18-19 ?

    Funny how debates is a big deal but not knowing people enough or 1 Thess. 5:12 ?

    Funny how charity is a big deal but not pampering a bum all their life or 2 Thess. 3:10 ?

    Funny how going off the handle is a big deal but not marriages to young widow women or 1 Timothy 5:9 ?

    Funny how fellowship is a big deal but not FAKE unity or Amos 3:3 ?

    Funny how confession is a big deal but not being strict enough or John 8:31 ?

    Funny how dirty thoughts is a big deal but not pagan godhead theology or John 8:24 ?

    Funny how emulation is a big deal but not modesty with wealth or Luke 12:15 ?

    Funny how overflow in God is a big deal but not heresy teaching about tongues or Romans 11:29 ?

    Funny how filthy lucre is a big deal but not a real preacher living off the gospel or 1 Cor. 9:14 ?

    Funny how zeal in God is a big deal but not money begging too much in church or 1 Cor. 9:18 ?

  • #2
    Nice write-up! It's very hilarious.


    • #3
      This is inspiring and thought provoking.

