is it possible to get assistance to pay for a nights budget accommodation where you stay overnight if you choose to stay in same town as your volunteer work when your grandparents die which may be in next 12 months.
Every week when doing volunteer work am staying at grandparents as it’s 2 days straight and they live in same town and when they die then wont have place besides home to access without paying for cabins.
plus it’s the own space but as well
what could you do to get accommodation as cheap as a powered site or cheaper until you get a van to have something else in between cabins.
how else would you be as well off as your sister is when you are on your own and are not seeing anyone or havent got together and will take longer to afford things on your own, do feel you shouldnt have to get together with someone to afford things and when you are happy single and just want companionship with women similar age.
was wondering also what else besides what you said you could do in between cabin stays to have the feeling of own space, usually book local cabins when able to afford to but looking for other cheaper ways for in between stays that doesnt cost $150-$200 minimum a night every time that has a kitchen.
150-$200 night for a few nights now and then isnt a problem but want to do it more often or longer at a time and it gets expensive, what are other cheaper ways that has the 4 star conveniences that the better cabins have.
also how else would you get a cheaper price on cabins and ask for a discount when you cant always afford the full cost and how could you be as well off as your ex boss or sister is even though youre doing ok overall.
don’t want to rent c/van as that plus powered site will be as expensive as a cabin and there’s not really any other option currently.
also was wondering how you could access a kitchen without paying heaps as a back up to one at your house and how you could have your own kitchen/space without paying rent and not being able to do what you want to place and when youre trying to wait until you can buy your own place if there is even hope and when place you live at (which you are happy living at) doesnt have a big enough yard to put a tiny house or a van.
how would you be as well off as your sister is when you are on your own and are not seeing anyone or havent got together and will take longer to afford things on your own, do feel you shouldnt have to get together with someone to afford things and when you are happy single and just want companionship with women similar age.
was wondering also what you could besides what you said do in between cabin stays to have the feeling of own space, usually book local cabins when able to afford to but looking for other cheaper ways for in between stays that doesnt cost $150-$200 minimum a night every time that has a kitchen.
It seems to be so hard for this generation of working age people to have the goal of their own place and for some to buy, some (myself included) want own space but are trying to wait until we can buy our own and be able to do what we want to it and we don’t want to pay rent and be limited.
How could you be as well off as your old boss with the unit and not have to work 24 hours a day and also work 7 days a week like they do and work yourself until you’re too worn out to enjoy it.
What could be done to get enough money on income support to pay for basics as well as have enough left to save and have a quality of life.
is it possible to get assistance to pay for a nights budget accommodation where you stay overnight if you choose to stay in same town as your volunteer work when your grandparents die which may be in next 12 months.
Every week when doing volunteer work am staying at grandparents as it’s 2 days straight and they live in same town and when they die then wont have place besides home to access without paying for cabins.
plus it’s the own space but as well
what could you do to get accommodation as cheap as a powered site or cheaper until you get a van to have something else in between cabins.
how else would you be as well off as your sister is when you are on your own and are not seeing anyone or havent got together and will take longer to afford things on your own, do feel you shouldnt have to get together with someone to afford things and when you are happy single and just want companionship with women similar age.
was wondering also what else besides what you said you could do in between cabin stays to have the feeling of own space, usually book local cabins when able to afford to but looking for other cheaper ways for in between stays that doesnt cost $150-$200 minimum a night every time that has a kitchen.
150-$200 night for a few nights now and then isnt a problem but want to do it more often or longer at a time and it gets expensive, what are other cheaper ways that has the 4 star conveniences that the better cabins have.
also how else would you get a cheaper price on cabins and ask for a discount when you cant always afford the full cost and how could you be as well off as your ex boss or sister is even though youre doing ok overall.
don’t want to rent c/van as that plus powered site will be as expensive as a cabin and there’s not really any other option currently.
also was wondering how you could access a kitchen without paying heaps as a back up to one at your house and how you could have your own kitchen/space without paying rent and not being able to do what you want to place and when youre trying to wait until you can buy your own place if there is even hope and when place you live at (which you are happy living at) doesnt have a big enough yard to put a tiny house or a van.
how would you be as well off as your sister is when you are on your own and are not seeing anyone or havent got together and will take longer to afford things on your own, do feel you shouldnt have to get together with someone to afford things and when you are happy single and just want companionship with women similar age.
was wondering also what you could besides what you said do in between cabin stays to have the feeling of own space, usually book local cabins when able to afford to but looking for other cheaper ways for in between stays that doesnt cost $150-$200 minimum a night every time that has a kitchen.
It seems to be so hard for this generation of working age people to have the goal of their own place and for some to buy, some (myself included) want own space but are trying to wait until we can buy our own and be able to do what we want to it and we don’t want to pay rent and be limited.
How could you be as well off as your old boss with the unit and not have to work 24 hours a day and also work 7 days a week like they do and work yourself until you’re too worn out to enjoy it.
What could be done to get enough money on income support to pay for basics as well as have enough left to save and have a quality of life.