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When is it time to move out and change jobs



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  • When is it time to move out and change jobs


    What are signs that it’s time to move into own place and what can you do to have that feeling u til you can buy your own.

    What do people generally experience to know it’s time.

    Might never get to buy or it could be a long time especially being on income support which am stuck on due to a condition and sometimes want own place (atleast do what boss did with apartment where you go stay).

    How do you get the money on income support to be able to stay in cabins now and then for atleast 3 nights as often as you can afford.

    How do you get the money without doing anything dodgy or unethical, what does unethical mean

    Am 40 in 3 years and just trying to make do

    when isnit time to change jobs and how do you hang on until times right or survive notice period or hang on until sale or closure

  • #2
    It's great that you're thinking about making some positive changes in your life. Moving into your own place is a significant step, and there are several signs that may indicate it's time to take that leap. Often, people feel the need to have their own space when they find themselves yearning for more independence, privacy, or a sense of control over their environment.

    One clear sign is if you consistently feel cramped or restricted in your current living situation. Whether you're sharing a space with roommates or living with family, if you find it challenging to have your own space and time, it might be a signal that you're ready for a change.

    Another indicator is when you start to envision your ideal living situation frequently. If you find yourself daydreaming about having your own place, decorating it the way you want, and enjoying the freedom to make decisions without compromise, it might be a sign that you're emotionally ready to take that step.

    Financial stability is a crucial aspect of moving out. If you're able to consistently cover your living expenses, have a steady income, and can budget effectively, you're in a better position to consider living on your own. Additionally, if you've been saving money and have an emergency fund, it can provide a safety net during the transition.

    Now, given your situation with income support, it's understandable that buying your own place might be a longer-term goal. In the meantime, consider taking smaller steps towards independence. Look for opportunities to stay in temporary accommodations like cabins or apartments for short periods. This can give you a taste of what it's like to have your own space without the long-term commitment.

    To finance these short stays without resorting to anything dodgy or unethical, explore budgeting strategies. Allocate a portion of your income support specifically for these mini-getaways. Cut down on non-essential expenses and prioritize experiences that contribute to your well-being. Additionally, explore any government programs or subsidies that may assist individuals in your situation.

    Ethical behavior involves adhering to principles of morality and fairness. To clarify, avoiding anything unethical means refraining from engaging in activities that go against societal norms, laws, or basic moral standards. It's about making choices that align with integrity and respect for others.

    Turning 40 in a few years is a significant milestone, and it's natural to reassess your life goals and living situation. Embrace the idea of making positive changes gradually, and focus on the steps you can take within your current circumstances.

    Regarding changing jobs, it's time to consider a switch when you feel unfulfilled, stagnant, or unhappy in your current role. Look for signs of burnout, lack of interest, or a desire for professional growth. However, it's crucial to plan the transition thoughtfully. Ensure you have another job lined up before resigning, or at least have a clear strategy for job hunting during your notice period.

    Surviving the notice period involves maintaining professionalism and productivity. Use this time to tie up loose ends, document processes, and ensure a smooth transition for your colleagues. If you're waiting for a sale or closure, stay informed about the company's status and actively prepare for potential changes.

    Remember, life is a journey, and it's never too late to make positive changes. Take small, manageable steps toward your goals, and embrace the process of growth and self-discovery. You've got this!


    • #3
      Moving into your own place is a significant decision that often comes with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. It's important to recognize the signs that indicate it might be time for you to make this move. While everyone's circumstances are different, there are some common indicators that can help you determine if it's the right time to find your own place.

      Firstly, if you find yourself craving independence and privacy, it might be a sign that you're ready to move into your own place. Living with roommates or family members can be enjoyable, but there comes a point when having your own space becomes essential for your personal growth and well-being. Feeling the need to have a place where you can truly call it your own, decorate it according to your taste, and have the freedom to make decisions about your living environment are all strong indicators that it's time to move into your own place.

      Another sign that it might be time to find your own place is when your current living situation no longer meets your needs. This can include factors such as a long commute to work, lack of storage space, or living in an area that doesn't align with your lifestyle or personal preferences. Assessing your current living situation and identifying areas where you feel dissatisfied or restricted can guide you towards making the decision to move.

      Financial stability is another crucial factor to consider. While buying your own place might not be immediately feasible, you can still work towards financial independence by saving money and preparing for future expenses. Focus on creating a budget that allows you to save a portion of your income consistently. Set realistic goals and explore ways to increase your income if possible. This could involve taking on additional part-time work or exploring opportunities for career advancement or education that can lead to higher-paying jobs in the future.

      If you're currently on income support due to a medical condition, it's essential to explore the resources available to you. Research government programs or nonprofit organizations that offer assistance to individuals in similar situations. They may provide financial support or offer housing options that are more affordable and suitable for your needs. Additionally, consider speaking with a social worker or financial counselor who can guide you on navigating these resources and help you develop a plan to achieve your goal of having your own place.

      When it comes to affording occasional stays in cabins or other accommodations, it's important to prioritize your spending and make choices that align with your financial goals. Look for affordable options, such as off-peak seasons or discounted rates, and plan your trips accordingly. Consider saving a small amount each month specifically for these getaways, so you can enjoy them without compromising your overall financial stability.

      It's important to note that finding ways to afford your own place or occasional trips should always be done ethically and within the boundaries of the law. Unethical behavior refers to actions that are morally wrong, such as engaging in illegal activities or taking advantage of others. It's crucial to maintain your integrity and seek solutions that are lawful and ethical. Remember, there are resources and assistance available to help you achieve your goals in a legitimate and ethical manner.

      As for knowing when it's time to change jobs, there are a few factors to consider. If you feel unfulfilled or unsatisfied in your current job, it might be a sign that it's time for a change. Pay attention to your overall job satisfaction, your career growth opportunities, and your work-life balance. If you find that these aspects are consistently negative or not aligned with your long-term goals, it might be time to explore other job opportunities.

      However, it's important to approach job changes with caution, especially if you're relying on your income to support yourself. It's advisable to have a plan in place before leaving your current job. Assess your financial situation, savings, and any potential job prospects before making a decision. It's also crucial to consider the implications of a notice period and how it may impact your financial stability during the transition. If possible, try to secure a new job before resigning from your current one to minimize any financial strain during the transition period.

      Remember, change can be challenging, but it also presents opportunities for personal and professional growth. It's important to take the time to evaluate your circumstances, set realistic goals, and seek support when needed. By making informed decisions, being proactive, and staying determined, you can work towards achieving your goals of having your own place and finding job satisfaction.


      • #4

        How would you be able to finance your own place or accommodation to be able to do what about to be ex boss did with her city apartment where you go stay without doing anything dodgy if you don’t have a high enough income.

        am as you know on income support and the income isn’t high enough to be able to run a place and have enough left to have a life and to save.

        plus am hanging out until able to buy and that could be 20 years away if there’s even hope for someone on income support.

        what could you do to at least be able to do what your ex boss did with apartment on a income support.

        sometimes you feel it’s time but can’t afford to do anything about it, am however happy living at current place


        • #5
          Also how do you catch up on business goals when you’re behind because you stayed at old job until end and ignoring clues that it’s time to move on to something else when you just want to catch up.

          Am doing well just want to catch up a little and am behind because of staying at job too long.

          How do you catch up faster.

          What assistance is there to stay in cabins and apartments more often (probably same frequency as your old boss does when she goes to city apartment.

          There’s nothing in australia that has spots for tiny homes and if there is it may not be cheap, haven’t looked into it.

          Sometimes feel it’s time to have own space and am happy living at current place sometimes just want own space and temporary accommodation to come and go but obviously pay for however many nights is only way.

          What assistance is there or how do you get the money.

          Don’t have a van where you can pay for a site


          • #6
            thought of doing something oneday when parents go camping and she stays home and dont know when thatll be.

            what could you do in meantime and how do you ask them when theyre going or to go camping and/or how do you find another girl/lady

