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finding a girl



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  • finding a girl


    for the dancing and intimate or whatever could you ask a friend or someone you know or a friend of a friend or a friend of someone you know and how would you ask them, dont want to sound desperate but it probably sounds like that to you.

    for the going out bit could you ask your sister thats close to your age.

    How do you have girl company and meet more without spending hundreds on a escort or companion or hire a girlfriend whatever you want to call it.

    Sister as you know is seeing someone and you just feel a little left out and you’re just trying to do your best until things change.

    How do you set meetups in your local area with girls in late 20s to 40.

    What can be done for now and am happy single just keeping eyes open for a single one wanting same.

    was wondering how you could find a single girl to go out with and do things with when you work in a industry with a poor life outside of work that always works when others similar age doesnt which makes it hard to meet people as those events generally happen when hospitality venues are always working.

    want to be able to go to places and do things with a girl and dress up with a girl and dance with a girl and dont have anyone.

    what other options are there for finding girls to go out with, last time pretty much was in 2005 which was 18 years ago when taking a cousin to a school formal and have waited 18 years longer than a lot of todays generation of working age people would be happy to wait.

    how do you ask a friend or someone you know or a friend of those people to spend time with you or if they know someone, seem to be having no end of trouble finding girls.

    what else can be done to meet them face to face, its hard when you see your sister and people you know with someone and youre not and you are happy single and just want a girl to go out with.

    dont have hundreds on a escort to have company every time and its just hard when you dont really have anyone and youre always working when everyone else is having a life and just trying to hang on a little longer as not in a position to move on just yet.

    would there be a way to ask someone out and how do you find out if theyre single without asking, (can you just ask them).

    what would be a short term solution until things get better.

    is there a way to have private space to have girls and friends around without doing the dodgy things your mothers old medical practitioner did to get the money and rip people off as she was shonky as and dont want to go down that path..

    you see girls around similar age to you dressed up and makes you realise what you want to do and youre trying to do what baby boomers did and try and do your best with what you have until things get better even though things are still good.

    is there a way to get around things and to find the people you want while working in a hospitality job that doesnt normally work a set schedule and youre trying to hang on another month to get into a industry thats better and has a set schedule and had a better life outside of work.

    what could you do, dont have hundreds every time to hire someone and dont really have own private space and want to buy and not face a lifetime of rent and could be 50-60 before it happens

  • #2
    It sounds like you're going through a challenging time, and I want you to know that you're not alone. Building connections and finding companionship can be tough, especially when your work schedule doesn't align with the typical social events. Let's explore some strategies and options to help you navigate these waters.

    1. Socializing for Dancing and Intimate Connections: When it comes to dancing or forming intimate connections, approaching friends or acquaintances is a great start. You don't have to sound desperate – just be genuine. You might say something like, "Hey, I've been wanting to explore some dance events or social gatherings. Do you know of any, or would you be interested in joining me?"

    2. Asking Your Sister for Company: Your sister can be a valuable resource for meeting new people. Express your feelings to her and ask if she knows anyone you could hang out with. It's important to make it clear that you're happy being single but are seeking companionship.

    3. Meeting Girls Without Spending a Fortune: Meeting people doesn't have to break the bank. Attend local events, join clubs, or try online platforms to connect with like-minded individuals. Focus on shared interests, and you'll likely find someone who enjoys the same activities without the need for expensive arrangements.

    4. Organizing Local Meetups: Consider organizing meetups in your local area. Use social media or meetup platforms to create events tailored to your interests. This way, you can connect with women in the late 20s to 40 age range who share similar hobbies.

    5. Being Happy Single While Open to Opportunities: It's great that you're content being single for now. Keep enjoying your life, but remain open to opportunities. Attend gatherings, social events, or use online platforms to meet new people casually.

    6. Navigating a Busy Hospitality Schedule: Working in hospitality often means unconventional hours, making it challenging to socialize. Explore online dating or attend events on your days off. Look for activities that align with your schedule, and you might meet someone with a similar lifestyle.

    7. Asking Someone Out: If you're interested in someone, go for it! Keep it casual, like suggesting a coffee or inviting them to an event. As for finding out if they're single, casual conversations can sometimes reveal relationship status without directly asking.

    8. Short-Term Solutions: In the short term, focus on self-improvement and expanding your social circles. Engage in activities you enjoy, and you'll naturally meet new people. Building a support network will make your journey more fulfilling.

    9. Creating Private Spaces Respectfully: Finding private spaces can be challenging, but it's essential to approach it respectfully. Consider renting venues for events or exploring shared spaces with friends. Respect boundaries and prioritize the comfort of everyone involved.

    10. Navigating Hospitality Job Challenges: While waiting for a shift in your career, use your creativity to meet people. Leverage online platforms, attend industry-related events, or join forums to connect with individuals who understand the challenges of a hospitality schedule.

    Remember, it's okay to desire companionship, and there are various ways to navigate the complexities of finding connections while working in hospitality. Stay true to yourself, be patient, and continue exploring opportunities – you never know when you might meet someone special.


    • #3
      It sounds like you're looking for advice on how to meet and spend time with girls without resorting to expensive options like escorts or hiring a companion. You also mentioned feeling a bit left out because your sister is seeing someone, and you're trying to navigate your social life while working in a demanding industry. I understand that these concerns can be challenging, but I'm here to offer some guidance and support.

      When it comes to meeting new people, including girls, there are several options you can consider. First, you mentioned asking a friend or someone you know if they can introduce you to someone. This can be a great way to meet new people who might share similar interests. You can approach your friend or acquaintance in a casual and friendly manner, expressing your interest in expanding your social circle and asking if they know anyone who might be interested in going out and doing things together. It's important to convey that you're genuinely looking for companionship and not coming across as desperate. Remember, everyone appreciates sincerity and honesty.

      Additionally, you mentioned wanting to meet girls in the late 20s to 40 age range. One way to do this is by joining social or hobby groups in your local area that cater to that demographic. Look for activities or clubs that align with your interests, such as hiking, book clubs, art classes, or sports leagues. These settings provide an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals and potentially strike up friendships or even romantic connections. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and engage in conversations with others. Building connections takes time, so be patient and open to new experiences.

      While waiting for things to change in your current industry, you can explore online dating platforms or apps. These platforms offer a convenient way to connect with potential partners, and you can specify your preferences to find someone who shares your interests and is looking for a similar type of relationship. However, keep in mind that online dating should supplement, not replace, real-life interactions. It's important to engage in face-to-face conversations and activities to truly get to know someone.

      In terms of finding out if someone is single without directly asking them, there isn't a foolproof method. However, you can observe their behavior and social media presence for any indications of a current romantic partner. It's also worth mentioning that asking someone about their relationship status in a respectful and casual manner is perfectly acceptable. Most people appreciate the direct approach and will be honest with you.

      Regarding your concern about not having a private space to spend time with girls and friends, it's essential to prioritize respect and consent. Focus on building connections based on shared interests and values rather than solely seeking physical intimacy. Public places like parks, cafes, or restaurants can be great options for spending time with someone and getting to know them better. It's not necessary to engage in dodgy or unethical activities to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment.

      Lastly, I understand that it can be disheartening to see others in relationships while you're still searching for a partner. Remember that everyone's journey is unique, and it's important to focus on your own growth and happiness. Embrace your single status and use this time to explore your interests, develop yourself, and create a fulfilling life outside of work. When you're content and confident in your own skin, you naturally become more attractive to others.

      In summary, meeting new people, including girls, requires patience, sincerity, and an open mind. Seek opportunities to expand your social circle through friends, social groups, or online dating platforms. Focus on building connections based on shared interests and values, and be respectful of boundaries. Embrace your single status and use this time to grow personally. Remember, finding the right person takes time, so be patient and enjoy the journey.


      • #4
        [QUOTE=Camila;n26561]It sounds like you're looking for advice on how to meet and spend time with girls without resorting to expensive options like escorts or hiring a companion. You also mentioned feeling a bit left out because your sister is seeing someone, and you're trying to navigate your social life while working in a demanding industry. I understand that these concerns can be challenging, but I'm here to offer some guidance and support.

        When it comes to meeting new people, including girls, there are several options you can consider. First, you mentioned asking a friend or someone you know if they can introduce you to someone. This can be a great way to meet new people who might share similar interests. You can approach your friend or acquaintance in a casual and friendly manner, expressing your interest in expanding your social circle and asking if they know anyone who might be interested in going out and doing things together. It's important to convey that you're genuinely looking for companionship and not coming across as desperate. Remember, everyone appreciates sincerity and honesty.

        Additionally, you mentioned wanting to meet girls in the late 20s to 40 age range. One way to do this is by joining social or hobby groups in your local area that cater to that demographic. Look for activities or clubs that align with your interests, such as hiking, book clubs, art classes, or sports leagues. These settings provide an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals and potentially strike up friendships or even romantic connections. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and engage in conversations with others. Building connections takes time, so be patient and open to new experiences.

        While waiting for things to change in your current industry, you can explore online dating platforms or apps. These platforms offer a convenient way to connect with potential partners, and you can specify your preferences to find someone who shares your interests and is looking for a similar type of relationship. However, keep in mind that online dating should supplement, not replace, real-life interactions. It's important to engage in face-to-face conversations and activities to truly get to know someone.

        In terms of finding out if someone is single without directly asking them, there isn't a foolproof method. However, you can observe their behavior and social media presence for any indications of a current romantic partner. It's also worth mentioning that asking someone about their relationship status in a respectful and casual manner is perfectly acceptable. Most people appreciate the direct approach and will be honest with you.

        Regarding your concern about not having a private space to spend time with girls and friends, it's essential to prioritize respect and consent. Focus on building connections based on shared interests and values rather than solely seeking physical intimacy. Public places like parks, cafes, or restaurants can be great options for spending time with someone and getting to know them better. It's not necessary to engage in dodgy or unethical activities to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment.

        Lastly, I understand that it can be disheartening to see others in relationships while you're still searching for a partner. Remember that everyone's journey is unique, and it's important to focus on your own growth and happiness. Embrace your single status and use this time to explore your interests, develop yourself, and create a fulfilling life outside of work. When you're content and confident in your own skin, you naturally become more attractive to others.

        In summary, meeting new people, including girls, requires patience, sincerity, and an open mind. Seek opportunities to expand your social circle through friends, social groups, or online dating platforms. Focus on building connections based on shared interests and values, and be respectful of boundaries. Embrace your single status and use this time to grow personally. Remember, finding the right person takes time, so be patient and enjoy the journey.



        thanks how else do you find a girl to get intimate with and have company and do things with without expensive options such as escorts and other places that offer those services.

        how do you hang on for those last few weeks or survive notice period in hospitality industry as plan to finish up or cut right back

        for the dancing and intimate or whatever could you ask a friend or someone you know or a friend of a friend or a friend of someone you know and how would you ask them.

        the private space when living with others means a place to have privacy when getting intimate with girls or to have alone time and place to have people over, you would still go out for coffees or tea or movies or on dates though.

        how would you go about private space and own space when living with others


        • #5
          Building genuine connections is crucial when seeking intimacy and companionship. Focus on meeting people through shared interests or activities, such as joining clubs, classes, or social events. This allows connections to form organically, fostering a stronger foundation.

          Consider expanding your social circle by attending meetups, community events, or even volunteering. Shared passions create a natural bond, making it easier to connect on a personal level. Don't rush; let relationships develop naturally over time.

          Approaching someone you know or a friend of a friend can be a viable option. Mutual connections can provide a sense of trust. Be respectful and clear in your communication. If you feel comfortable, express your interest and see if they reciprocate. Remember, open communication is key to understanding each other's boundaries and expectations.

          Avoiding the stigma associated with certain services, focus on genuine connections. Emotional intimacy often precedes physical intimacy, so prioritize building a strong emotional connection to ensure a more fulfilling and meaningful relationship.

          Surviving Notice Period in the Hospitality Industry:

          The hospitality industry often demands a unique set of skills, making transitioning or cutting back challenging. During the notice period, maintain professionalism and finish tasks diligently. Use this time to network and gather references, crucial for future job searches.

          Reflect on your experiences in the industry and identify transferable skills. Update your resume and consider additional training or certifications to broaden your skill set. Networking events, both online and offline, can open doors to new opportunities.

          Embrace the support of colleagues during the notice period. Share your plans with them, as they may provide valuable insights, recommendations, or even job leads. Building a strong professional network can significantly ease the transition.

          Prepare financially for the transition by creating a budget and setting aside savings. This provides a safety net during the job-seeking process. Consider part-time or freelance opportunities to bridge the financial gap.

          Remember to take care of your mental well-being. Job transitions can be stressful, so practice self-care through activities you enjoy. Maintain a positive mindset, and view this period as an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

          Approaching Friends for Dancing and Intimacy:

          When seeking a dance partner or exploring intimacy with someone you know, communication is paramount. Approach the conversation with respect and honesty. Start by expressing your interest in dancing or spending time together in a casual setting.

          Choose an appropriate moment to bring up the topic, ensuring the other person feels comfortable. Frame your proposal positively, emphasizing the enjoyment and connection you seek rather than focusing solely on physical intimacy.

          Respect their boundaries and make it clear that their comfort is a priority. Be open to their response, whether it's a positive, negative, or uncertain one. If they express hesitation, don't push; instead, maintain the friendship and be understanding of their feelings.

          Remember, building a foundation of trust and understanding is crucial in any relationship, whether it involves dancing, intimacy, or both.

          Creating Private Space While Living with Others:

          Living with others necessitates clear communication and boundaries. Start by discussing expectations and preferences with your housemates or roommates. Establish guidelines for shared spaces, ensuring everyone's needs and comfort levels are considered.

          For private intimate moments, coordinate schedules with your housemates to ensure mutual respect for each other's privacy. Create a system for signaling when someone needs alone time, such as using a shared calendar or simple communication.

          Invest in soundproofing measures for your room, ensuring that personal conversations and activities remain private. This allows you to have guests over without causing discomfort to others in the household.

          Consider establishing a designated area for socializing, allowing you to entertain guests without infringing on shared spaces. This fosters a balance between personal and communal areas, promoting a harmonious living environment.

          Regularly revisit and adjust the established guidelines based on everyone's evolving needs. Open communication remains key to maintaining a healthy and respectful living arrangement.

          In summary, seeking intimacy and managing life transitions require patience, communication, and respect for others. By approaching relationships and living arrangements with sincerity and understanding, you can build fulfilling connections and navigate life changes with resilience.
          Last edited by Camila; 01-27-2024, 12:21 AM.


          • #6
            also how do you find a single girl, is there anything that can be done for now until youre doing something with less weekend work (there may be some here and there, not sure) which youre hanging out for place to sell which may take a while.

            dont have a girl to dress up with and go to places with like you would for dates and weddings or whatever else and last time that had gotten to experience that was 18 years ago (19 this year in december) in year 12 and theres no weddings or events coming up and still dont have the girl.

            last time that have had the chance was in 2005 (18), then 2014 (27) and now 36 and haven’t had a chance since and sometimes you feel a little left out and want that companionship and intimate experience and just someone to hang around with.

            how do you find a girl to dance with like in a wedding or as theres no weddings coming up and still even then dont have the girl, how would you find someone thats happy doing it with you without constantly hiring a companion.

            last wedding that had been to there were coronavirus restrictions preventing that and didnt get to next one as its interstate and couldnt afford to travel.

            for the going out bit and dressing up bit could you ask your sister or cousin or friend or an acquaintance thats close to your age or 17/18 and over, how do you find a single girl.

            you see girls around similar age to you dressed up and makes you realise what you want to do and youre trying to do what baby boomers did and try and do your best with what you have until things get better even though things are still good.

            do have a half sister thats nearly 15 that likes to dress up and its hard to catch up occasionally as theres always people at the house and had thought of that as a idea and to just catch up and do stuff once in while as well as have your own life to do own things and hang around with girl or work goals.

            Also how do you find the money to go to cabin more often and be able to have people over and have the feeling of your own place or something permanent to go stay

            Not as well off as sister will hopefully be in 12 months as she’s seeing someone and there’s hers and his income and am single and only 1 income even though am doing really well for circumstances.

            Also am feeling like am a bit behind in work and other goals all because have done what boomers did with their jobs and stayed in the hospitality job for years and years instead of starting planning sooner.

            Would that be what you get for ignoring clues that it is time to think about moving on and just pushing through until you can’t stand it anymore or something else happens or both (boomers and probably their parents stayed in jobs for years and probably ignored clues and just kept going until they couldn’t stand it anymore or something else happens).

            Am a bit behind in work goals and just want to catch up and even that’s becoming too much to ask some days.

            would boomers and their parents have kept jobs longer than todays people because things wernt throw away back then and you fixed it if something broke and not always throw them out like today

            How would you catch up on goals and commitments.

            how would you afford cabins and apartments more often to have own place feeling without using afterpay (it would mean somewhere to stay but not be permanent residence atleast for now)
            Last edited by car10001; 01-28-2024, 09:08 AM.


            • #7
              How do you get time with your younger sister when people are always at the house where she lives and you don’t have your own just yet, what could you do

              Was thinking of doing something with her maybe oneday parents go camping and she stays home at some stage and don’t know when that’ll be

              how do you ask them to go camping or when they’re going


              • #8


                oneday at some point was thinking of doing something with the younger sister oneday when parents go camping and she chooses to stay behind oneday at some stage but don’t know when that’ll be.

                how do you ask them to go camping or when they’re going or ask for time or find a place or a bit of everything.

                was thinking of dressing up just a little and go get nice photos together at different places and maybe either have tea home or at beach or maybe play games console or both.

                obviously if we went to parents for a meal we might do something or myself, her and the other sister would get together occasionally.

                How do you get time with your younger sister (and ask) when people are always at the house where she lives and you don’t have your own just yet, what could you do

                Was thinking of doing something with her maybe oneday parents go camping and she stays home at some stage and don’t know when that’ll be

