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What can I do to get proof of income



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  • What can I do to get proof of income

    [B]I get paid in cash, but I need to provide a Proof of Income document to apply for a mortgage. What can I do to get proof of income?[/B]

  • #2
    I totally get your situation, and it can be a real puzzle when you're paid in cash but need to show proof of income, especially when you're trying to secure a mortgage. Let's talk about what you can do to navigate this tricky situation.

    First of all, don't fret! Many people are in the same boat as you, and there are some tried-and-true ways to address this issue. Here's what you can consider:

    1. Create a Paper Trail: One of the most important things you can do is to create a paper trail for your income. Start by maintaining a detailed record of your cash payments. Keep a ledger or use accounting software to document your earnings, specifying the amount, date, and source. This can be immensely helpful when trying to prove your income.

    2. Bank Deposits: Deposit your cash earnings into a bank account regularly. When you do this, the money goes through your bank, and you'll have bank statements to show your income. It's a simple but effective way to establish a financial record.

    3. Tax Returns: If you haven't already, consider filing your income taxes. Even if your income is mostly cash-based, you should still report it accurately to the IRS. When you file your taxes, you create an official document that shows your income, and this can be invaluable when applying for a mortgage.

    4. Letters from Employers or Clients: Ask your employers or clients to provide you with a letter verifying your income. It should include details like your job title, duration of employment, and your income. Having a letter from your employer or clients can add weight to your mortgage application.

    5. Consult a Mortgage Specialist: Reach out to a mortgage specialist or broker who can guide you through the process. They have experience dealing with unique income situations and can help you find the best solution for your case.

    6. Combine Documents: Sometimes, a combination of these methods can be the most effective. For instance, you can use bank statements, tax returns, and letters from employers or clients to present a more comprehensive picture of your income.

    It's worth noting that lenders are primarily concerned with your ability to repay the mortgage, so the more evidence you can provide, the better your chances of getting approved. Be prepared to discuss your financial situation honestly and openly with the lender.

    Remember, you're not alone in this, and many people face hurdles when applying for mortgages. The key is to be proactive, organized, and patient. Building a strong case for your income may take a little extra effort, but it's certainly doable.

    Lastly, don't hesitate to reach out to a financial advisor or mortgage specialist. They can provide you with expert advice and tailor solutions to your specific needs.

    I hope this information helps you on your journey to homeownership! Keep your chin up and stay positive. You've got this!


    • #3
      Needing a Proof of Income document for a mortgage application when you get paid in cash can be a bit tricky, but don't worry, I've got some ideas and solutions for you.

      First, let's talk about why you're being paid in cash. It could be that you're working in a job that's not exactly on the books, like freelancing, odd jobs, or maybe you're in the service industry. It's not uncommon, and many people find themselves in the same boat.

      One way to start building proof of income is by keeping meticulous records. Document your cash payments, whether it's through digital apps or a simple ledger. This may include keeping copies of receipts, invoices, and a record of when and how much you're paid. It's not as official as a pay stub, but it's a step in the right direction.

      Next, consider having your clients or employers write you a formal letter. This letter should state your name, the nature of your work, the amount you're paid, and how often you're paid. It's a bit old-school, but it can carry some weight with mortgage lenders.

      Additionally, if you have a bank account, that can be your ally. Deposit your cash earnings into your account consistently, and it will create a record of your income. When the bank provides you with statements, these can be valuable proof of your income. Some lenders may also accept this as valid documentation.

      Tax returns are another avenue to explore. If you file your taxes and report your income, it shows your financial responsibility and a legitimate source of income. The lender may ask for your tax returns, and if you can provide them, it can strengthen your application.

      Another option is to obtain a statement from a notary public. A notarized statement is a legally binding document that confirms your income and can add credibility to your application.

      In the end, remember that transparency is key. Be upfront with your mortgage lender about your income source. Share your efforts to document your cash earnings and explain the steps you've taken to provide proof of income. Your willingness to cooperate and your consistency in reporting your income will go a long way in building trust.

      I know this process can be frustrating, but hang in there. Many people have successfully navigated this path before you, and you can too. If you can combine some of the strategies I mentioned, you'll have a better chance of convincing the mortgage lender that you're a reliable borrower, even if you're paid in cash.

      Stay positive and keep pushing forward. You're not alone in this, and with determination and the right documentation, you'll be well on your way to securing that mortgage. Best of luck!


      • #4
        To get proof of income, you can use several documents, including:[LIST=1][*][B]Pay Stubs:[/B] These show your earnings and deductions for each pay period.[*][B]Bank Statements:[/B] These reflect your direct deposits and other income.[*][B]Tax Returns:[/B] These provide a comprehensive overview of your annual income.[*][B]Employment Verification Letter:[/B] A letter from your employer stating your salary and employment status.[*][B]Social Security Statements:[/B] If you receive social security benefits, this can serve as proof of income.[*][B]Invoices and Contracts:[/B] If you're self-employed, these documents can demonstrate your earnings.[/LIST]
        These documents can be obtained from your employer, bank, or personal financial records.

