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hurt confused



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  • hurt confused
    Met 7 months ago work out of town for 1-1.5 months got back home and her phone rings at 2 am guy on the other line says wake her uip he introduced himself as her boy friend i was speechless. She claimed he was a stalker and would occasionally call her. We had planned to move in togther. Next day after fight man drops her off she claims he was a co worker. Later she claim ed he wanted to date her but she refused bc she was recently divorced. I leave for work an get call from her claiming guy that dropped her off claimed i eye balled him and gave him the finger i denied it bc i did not. Two weeks later i called her and call apppeared to be declined I typically call around 6 am thats when i get off work i work 12 hours away from home. 8hours later she said by text she was busy packing to move in to m y place and was busy preparing for a seminar i felt uncomfortable and called new apartm ent we were supposed to get togther and told them we may not be moving in but i need to be sure next day apartment called me telling me she took her name off the lease. I called her and she says I betrayed her by calling apartment and broke up with me. I asked for an explanation to explain my fear she refused. I drove 12 hours to try to talk to her she refused to talk to me......was this my fault?

  • #2
    I think you were simply over-thinking things. She might not be cheating on you, but you took things too far. I think you should work on your trust issues before diving into another relationship.


    • rickjbrb
      rickjbrb commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you for the reply. I understand trust but trust is not given it is earned. Everything i have mentioned above does it build trust? If your guys phone rings at 2 am and a girl introduces herself as the wife or GF and the v very next day a guy drops her off how could you build trust?

  • #3
    I really don't think you were at fault, you had taken the right step. The fact is that your instinct can't be lying to you. If you instinct tells you that she was cheating on you, then she was probably cheating. So, it's better she left you now in order for you to date someone else you will be comfortable with.


    • #4
      I guess clinton is right.

